Globalization and political course of Kazakhstan
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master’s degree of right Kazakh Humanitarian and Law University
candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor, Kazakh-Russian International University.
Publication date: 2014-06-30
JoMS 2014;21(2):255-270
In contemporary life Kazakhstan is focusing on further building into the globalizing world economy, relying both on its powerful natural resource potential and the plans for an accelerated development of breakthrough innovation sectors and creation of «the economy of knowledge». Today Kazakhstan costs at a  boundary of a  new stage of social and economic modernization. In the annual message of the president N. Nazarbayev to the citizens of Kazakhstan of February 28, 2007. “New Kazakhstan in the new world” is noted need of stimulation of cooperation of the large Kazakhstan companies with world multinational corporations for creation of “breakthrough” projects. The government already defined such projects that as expect will give an impetus of industrialization of the country. In Kazakhstan the state holdings operating governmental assets of the largest companies and realizing strategy of industrial and innovative development are created. Kazakhstan enters new, more modern standards of corporate governance. But it should be incorrect to expect fast results in realization of industrial and innovative strategy.
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