The educational activity of T. Chatskiy at the beginning of 20 century in Volin region and the ways of using his experience in nowadays school practice
The International University of economics and humanities named after academic S. Demianchuk (The city of Rivne, Ukraine)
Data publikacji: 30-09-2014
JoMS 2014;22(3):201-217
In the article investigational educational activity of in Volin region at the beginning of ХІХ century and the ways of realization of his experience in nowadays practice are learned. The scientific woks about educational motion of ХІХ century in Ukraine and publications which described T. Chatskij’s activity are analysed. It is said that his activity was used in such directions: scientific, organizationally pedagogical, patronation of education. The pedagogical conception of T. Chackogo accents on the necessity of opening new schools in villages, on the education patronage, the wide development of student’s personality, the using of health-keeping study technologies, the permanent perfection of material and technical base of schools, the combination of theory with practice. In the article are generalized positive ideas of organizationally pedagogical experience of T. Chatskij and recommendationsof his experience realization in the educational establishments in such ways are given : - the close collaboration adjusting between the teaches of different countries, specially between Poland and Ukrainian ones; - the studying of pedagogical experience of foreign countries and using it in the Ukrainian education; - the education patronage; - the settlement of legal base for the education patronage; - the granting to the national minorities the possibility for their own establishments foundation; - the foundation of different schools types which form the unique system of Ukrainian education.
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