Using the andragogical model as a methodological basis for forming the training programmes for teachers (experience-based the system of developing training of D. Elkonin – V. Davydov)
Ивано-Франковский областной институт последипломного педагогического образования
Data publikacji: 31-03-2015
JoMS 2015;24(1):393-407
In the context of the reorientation of modern education on human development and the need to adapt to new social conditions and challenges the objectives and content of postgraduate education vary signifi cantly. As a result educational goals become a priority in the training of teachers, in fact defi ne the meaning of this process. One of the approaches which is the most actively developed and put into practice of postgraduate education is andragogical. The author describes the most general principles that are universal and available in diff erent andragogical models to study the possibility of using the andragogical model as a methodological basis for forming the training programmes for teachers at In-Service Teacher Training Institutes. The analysis highlights the general requirements for the forming of training programmes for teachers. According to this form of education training courses allow you to alternate active stages of learning with testing methods acquired by professional activities. Preparing teachers to work in the system of developing training can be realized only in the form of learning activities through the use of diff erent learning situations. Professional tasks are the basis of learning which derived from the subject of professional activity. Based on the principles of andragogy, the main subject of training teachers is the knowledge of methods and techniques of learning tasks. Training processes involves the use of active and interactive teaching methods. Priority of abovementioned methods allows you to create a safe atmosphere for professional communication, as well as to include teachers in the various kinds of refl ective activity. In the next stage of the study is proposed to develop the principles of building the technology of developing training for primary school teachers.
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